Balmain Public School

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Telephone02 9818 1177

About our school

Balmain PS

Balmain Public School offers a caring, happy and safe educational environment for all children. Our dedicated teachers provide diverse academic, sporting, creative and social experiences to encourage all students to reach their full potential. 

Balmain Public School is situated in the Inner West of Sydney and is located in Balmain. The school has a tradition of community support and involvement through parental participation in school activities. Balmain Public School places a strong emphasis on extending student literacy and numeracy performance and has a proud history of achievements in sport and the creative arts.

School operates from 8:55 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Supervision is provided in the playground from 8:30 a.m. Families that require supervision before and after school should contact the Eaton Street Centre.

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